How far did I run/cycle/walk? Sport Distance Calculator allows you to calculate the distance and topography of your sport routes: Walking, Running, Cycling, Hiking, Rollerblading and more.
The one that kept coming to mind was when my brother and I attempted to walk/run from Rochester to Canterbury, along the North Downs Way in the South-East of the UK. I must have been about 14, him 16, and although we didn’t finish, stopping at around the 45km mark (I just meas... CanadianMarathoning CoolRunning GeorgetownRunners HalHigdon IAAF MarathonGuide McMillanUniversity MyNextRace RunnersWorld RunningForFitness RunningMania RunningRoom RunningTimes WeatherNetwork Active users:6 Registered users: 616 New Users: 0 ...
Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Whether you need to measure distance from point A to point B, compose complex distance paths or simply measure an area of a soccer field, Map Calculator will help you do that and much more with just a few simple taps. ...
Whether you need to measure distance from point A to point B, compose complex distance paths or simply measure an area of a soccer field, Map Calculator will he…
(e.g. training for 800m races), then you won’t likely need to be doing a ton of very short and fast bits. Whereas for most of my training with intervals, about the fastest I’m doing anything sustained is down to the 3:00/km (4:48/mi) pace. Granted, the shortest distance of...
Whether you’re building up to your first 10K race, or are a more seasoned runner seeking some last-minute 10K tune-up sessions, we have the advice you need.
When you are first learning how to run a mile, your focus should be on increasing distance rather than intensity.2 Find the flattest route possible until you are comfortablerunning a mile. Gradually add hills once you have the one-mile distance under your belt. ...
Another thank-you from the UK. I’m a 56 year old man, running regularly for three and a bit years and did a sub 2 hour half marathon last autumn. I thought a sub 4 hour marathon would be a challenge, but not unimaginable if I prepared properly. I followed your sub 4 hour plan ...
Whether you need to measure distance from point A to point B, compose complex distance paths or simply measure an area of a soccer field, Map Calculator will he…