In these cases, you can simply call the curl binary as if you were directly on the shell and pass all required and desired parameters. The following example sends a basic GET request to, pipes the standard output stream (where curl returns the content) back to Python, and acce...
{代码...} 怎么解决?安装下面的依赖即可 {代码...} 如果使用的是官方镜像,比如 python:3.10-bookworm,那么 libcurl4-openssl-dev 已经默认安装了
Curl from the official website. In the bin folder, you will find the curl.exe file and libcurl library. You can add the bin folder to your PATH environment variable so you can execute Curl commands from anywhere. The Python code was automatically generated for the Curl For Windows example....
ONBUILD RUN /usr/local/bin/python-build --dir /app/src [...] 如果基于 image-A 创建新的镜像时,新的 Dockerfile 中使用 FROM image-A 指定基础镜像,会自动执行 ONBUILD 指令的内容,等价于在后面添加了两条指令: FROM image-A #Automatically run the following ADD . /app/src RUN /usr/local/bin/...
Python 3.10 or later On MacOS: Homebrew is required curl command-line tool (usually pre-installed on macOS and most Linux distributions) Linux and MacOS Quick installation To install dotrun simply run: curl -sSL | bash...
curl -fLo koboldcpp && chmod +x koboldcpp After running this command you can launch Koboldcpp from the current directory using./koboldcppin the terminal (for CLI usage, run with--help). Finally, ob...
> ./hello $ python3 -m http.server 8000 Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ... $ docker run \ --add-host host.docker.internal=host-gateway \ curlimages/curl -s host.docker.internal:8000/hello hello from host!
> ./hello $ python3 -m http.server 8000 Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ... $ docker run \ --add-host host.docker.internal=host-gateway \ curlimages/curl -s host.docker.internal:8000/hello hello from host!
sudo-v;curl|sudobash For specific worload, e.g. gpt-j int4, use the following command: model=gpt-j output_dir=<DATA_PATH>conda_path=<CONDA_ROOT_PATH> Running Models by using automation scripts ...
RUN curl -SLO "$NODE_VERSION/node-v$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64.tar.xz" \ && curl -SLO "$NODE_VERSION/SHASUMS256.txt.asc" 1. 2. 3. 4. ARG 构建参数,与 ENV 作用一至。不过作用域不一样。ARG 设置的环境变量仅对 Dockerfile 内有效,也就...