COPY 命令和 ADD 类似,唯一的不同是 ADD 会自动解压压缩包,还可以直接下载 url 中的文件但是官方建义使用 wget 或者 curl 代替 ADD。 # 拷贝并解压 ADD nickdir.tar.gz . # 仅拷贝 ADD /usr/src/things/ RUN tar -xJf /usr/src/things/big.tar.xz -C /usr/src...
不过需要注意的是对于从远程 URL 获取资源的情况,由于 ADD 指令不支持认证,如果从远程获取资源需要认证,则只能使用RUN wget 或 RUN curl 替代了。 有能力自动解压文件,比如: ADD/foo.tar.gz /tmp/ 上述指令会使 foo.tar.gz 压缩文件解压到容器的 /tmp 目录。 不过一般来说虽然 ADD 指令支持从远程获取资源,...
curl -fLo koboldcpp && chmod +x koboldcpp After running this command you can launch Koboldcpp from the current directory using./koboldcppin the terminal (for CLI usage, run with--help). Finally, ob...
Download the latest stable N98-Magerun phar-file from the file-server:wget if you prefer to use Curl:curl -O the download by comparing the SHA256 checksum with the one on the website at ...
$ docker run \ --add-host host.docker.internal=host-gateway \ curlimages/curl -s host.docker.internal:8000/hello hello from host! The --add-host flag also accepts a : separator, for example: $ docker run --add-host=my-hostname: --rm -it alpine ...
$ docker run \ --add-host host.docker.internal=host-gateway \ curlimages/curl -s host.docker.internal:8000/hello hello from host! The --add-host flag also accepts a : separator, for example: $ docker run --add-host=my-hostname: --rm -it alpine ...
sudo-v;curl|sudobash For specific worload, e.g. gpt-j int4, use the following command: model=gpt-j output_dir=<DATA_PATH>conda_path=<CONDA_ROOT_PATH> Running Models by using automation scripts ...
Qualifier 1: FileName,*RUNOPT Qualifier 2: LibraryName,*RUNOPT, *CURLIB Element 2: MemberName, *RUNOPT,*FIRST, *LAST, *ALL Element 3: Option*RUNOPT, *NEWFILE, *RPLFILE, *NEWMBR, *RPLMBR, *ADDMBR AUTAuthorityName,*RUNOPT, *LIBCRTAUT, *USE, *CHANGE, *ALL, *EXCLUDEOptional ...
curl -X POST -s "http://$SCF_RUNTIME_API:$SCF_RUNTIME_API_PORT/runtime/invocation/response" -d "$RESPONSE" 如果函数调用阶段出现错误,通过访问运行时 API 调用错误接口推送错误信息。同时本次调用结束,首次调用视为事件终态,SCF 将进行状态锁定,继续推送结果不可变更。示例代码如下: # 推送函数处理错...
Retrieve the “App Client Id” and “App Client Secret” values from “App Clients” settings on the user pool Run the curl command to validate this. (A sample command provided below) curl--location--requestPOST'https://todomgmt-dev-api-<YOUR_ACCOUNT_NUMBER>