在IDEA的顶部菜单栏中,选择Run -> Run 'Configuration Name',其中Configuration Name是刚刚创建的Run Configuration的名称。 程序将会在IDEA的运行控制台中输出Hello, World!。 总结 通过以上步骤,我们成功地创建了一个Java项目,并配置了一个Run Configuration来运行我们的程序。IntelliJ IDEA提供了强大的开发环境,使得Jav...
classpath.file: IntelliJ IDEA will write a long classpath into a text file. @argFiles (java 9+): the command-line length limitations will be overcome using the @argument files option. note This setting is shared if you select to share your run/debug configuration, so the same method will...
I'm developing a Run Configuration for Intellij IDEA. I have extended the com.intellij.execution.configurations.RunConfigurationOptions for the RunConfigurationOptions but none of the my options are persisted into the JDOM element. When debuging i found out that com.intellij.execution.configurations.Ru...
Allow running multiple instances of this run configuration in parallel. By default, it is disabled, and when you start this configuration while another instance is still running, IntelliJ IDEA suggests stopping the running instance and starting another one. This is helpful when a run configuration ...
例如填写VM options : -Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=64M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m 每一项以空格隔开. 参数说明 -Xms768m:设置JVM初始堆内存为768m。此值可以设置与-Xmx相同,以避免每次垃圾回收完成后JVM重新分配内存。
报错:Run configuration Error :Broken configuration due to unavailable plugin or invalid configuration data. 译为:由于插件不可用或配置数据无效而导致配置中断。 解决方法:打开Plugins,发现好几个插件是红色的 查找Tomcat 发现已经是打勾的, 去除勾勾,再次打勾, ...
Register implemented configuration type incom.intellij.configurationTypeextension point in theplugin.xml: <extensionsdefaultExtensionNs="com.intellij"><configurationTypeimplementation="org.jetbrains.sdk.runConfiguration.DemoRunConfigurationType"/></extensions> ...
A list of built-in macros is available in theIntelliJ IDEA Web Helpand other products' documentation pages. Note that Macro API is not specific to execution or run configuration API and can be used in other places. Was this page helpful?
I am trying to implement a custom Run Configuration as IntelliJ plugin. The basic idea is to have a customized Java Application run configuration with additional options. These options are a list of custom objects, which have a boolean, a key and a value. For this I added a JBTable to ...