run-SSHCommand [-hosthostname][-userusername] [-passpassword] [-keykey phrase] [-promptprompt] -commandcmd[-portportnumber] [-sessionssh] -hosthostname SSH 服务器的名称。 -userusername (可选)指定用于登录到远程节点的用户名。 用户名是密码身份验证或公钥身份验证所必需的。 如果没有指定用户名,...
It forces pseudo-terminal allocation, so ssh has no idea it doesn’t have a local terminal to use. So, to run a remote command, via ssh, that requires sudo privileges, the ssh command looks like: ssh -t USER@SERVER_IP "sudo COMMAND" Say, for instance, you want the user jack to u...
The Run SSH Command activity supports SSH-1. Microsoft doesn't recommend the use of SSH-1. If you want to prevent the Run SSH Command activity from using SSH-1, you should use a key file that contains keys that don't support SSH-1. Don't use a username and password pair; use a ...
smcli runsshcmd {-t | -target target_system_hostname_or_IP} {-u user_id} {-p password} [-f file_name_with_directory_path] Operands This command uses a target system as an operand. The target system is identified with the option -t | -target. Options -c | –-command command Spec...
I have 2 linux machines A and B and trying to run the following command from A remotely (as it would be done on B locally): sshpass -p 'somePassword' ssh userName@machineB "wget" should be downloaded and kept on B but I get connec...
If you are usingrsh/sshinstead of a resource manager, you must use a hostfile or host list to identify the hosts on which the program will be run. When you issue thempiruncommand, you specify the name of the hostfile or host list on the command line; otherwise,mpirunexecutes all the ...
Unable to run aerender command over ssh using system.callSystem script Mark Paterson Contributor , Nov 20, 2019 Copy link to clipboard I've wrote a script that sends my current active project to aerender directly from a Script UI button. It works fine...
Example using OpenSSH encrypted private key -name:ls -a via sshuses:garygrossgarten/github-action-ssh@releasewith:command:ls -ahost:${{ secrets.HOST }}username:garygrossgartenpassphrase:${{ secrets.PASSPHRASE }}privateKey:${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY}} ...
Now we’re going to run the command. We have our commands and hosts files ready, so issue the following command to use those files: parallel-ssh -h pssh-hosts -A -P -I < pssh-command The above options are as follows: -h – hostname (in this case, we’re using a host file...
Community ▶ Questions ▶ Trying to run a command on Lish remotely through SSH Log in to Ask a Question Trying to run a command on Lish remotely through SSH 0 general forum:linoder 13 years, 4 months ago On my desktop I'd like to run a script on my Linode using SSH....