run-SSHCommand [-hosthostname][-userusername] [-passpassword] [-keykey phrase] [-promptprompt] -commandcmd[-portportnumber] [-sessionssh] -hosthostname SSH 服务器的名称。 -userusername (可选)指定用于登录到远程节点的用户名。 用户名是密码身份验证或公钥身份验证所必需的。 如果没有指定用户名,...
In this example, the user ID admin runs the command ls -l on the directory of a remote compute node with the host name systemA: smcli runsshcmd -t systemA -u admin -p password -c "ls -l" In this example, the user ID admin invokes the file on the host system that contains a li...
# 需要导入模块: from utils.ssh import SSHClient [as 别名]# 或者: from utils.ssh.SSHClient importrun_command[as 别名]deffix_merkyl_workaround():"""Workaround around merkyl not opening an iptables port for communication"""ssh_client = SSHClient()ifssh_client.run_command('test -f /etc/...
Running a basic command Let’s get a listing of files on a remote /etc directory. To do this, the command is: ssh USER@SERVER_IP "ls /etc" Where USER is a remote username, and SERVER_IP is the IP address of the remote server. Once you successfully enter the remote user’s passwor...
The Run SSH Command activity opens an SSH connection to a remote server and runs shell commands on that server. Use the Run SSH Command activity to run backup applications or a batch script that runs a set of complex commands on a non-Windows computer. The Run SSH Command activity can run...
Create a pseudo TTY with ssh -t The-toption in thessh -tcommand force pseudo-tty allocation. This is very handy when you need to run remote screen based applications on the remote server, establishing something like a “temporary” ssh connection, that will be established while the command ...
run commands on remote host: # command will be executed remotely and output will be returned locally and printed>>>print(remote_session.get_cmd_output('ls -lta'))total28drwxr-xr-x.412rootroot12288Mar2114:25..drwx---.2my_usermy_user28Mar619:25.sshdrwx---.3my_usermy_user70Mar619:25...
进入容器,安装ssh server,以及配置开机启动 [root@docker ~]# docker exec -it test-centos1 /bin/bash [root@d72250ecaa5e /]# ifconfig bash: ifconfig: command not found 1. 2. 3. *注:命令最后参数 /bin/bash: 指进入容器时执行的命令(command) ...
GitHub Action SSH Simple GitHub Action to run a command on a remote server using SSH. This is working with the latestGitHub Actions. See the中文文档for Chinese readme. ✨ Example Usage Example using OpenSSH encrypted private key -name:ls -a via sshuses:garygrossgarten/github-action-ssh@re...
I don't need to enter a password when I run the above command, because I use Lish via SSH Keys, so the SSH login happens automatically. However, when I run it on my desktop I get the following error: Unknown command '/usr/local/bin/mylinodescript arg1 arg2' Even if I repl...