最后在Sublime Text 2中Tools–>Build System–>New Build System…输入如下内容并保存: 代码语言:javascript 复制 {"cmd":["gcc","$file_name","-o","${file_base_name}","-lm","-Wall"],"selector":"source.c","shell":false,"working_dir":"$file_path"} OS X: 下载Xcode,然后下载Command L...
when I run my C program in subline text I want to open a cmd window and in that window is going to be the output of my C program like in visual studio [duplicate]原文 2021-07-27 14:04:41 5 0 c/ sublimetext3/ command-prompt ...
How to Create custom Run Command for applications STEP 1 –First of all, let’s make sure thatSublime Textapplication doesn’t already have a run command created for it. For that, pressWindows Key and R Keytogether to open theRunwindow. Type inSublimeand hitEnter. STEP 2 –You will rece...
Sublime Text 2用SublimeREPL出现错误提示最近学Python,一向用惯ST2,可是为什么我装完SublimeREPL后,无论是Run current
Python 3 has been already added to sublime text 3rd Jun 2018, 1:29 PM Ming Lu 0 And I pressed Command + B in Sublime Text. 3rd Jun 2018, 1:30 PM Ming Lu 0 So it means this kind of calculation can not run in Sublime text? 3rd Jun 2018, 1:34 PM Ming Lu 0 Ming Lu you...
view.run_command('anaconda_complete_funcargs') JUST_COMPLETED =Falseelifview.substr(sublime.Region( view.sel()[0].begin() -7, view.sel()[0].end())) =='import ': self._run_auto_complete() 代码行数:20, # 需要导入模块: from sublime import View [as 别名]run_command[as 别名]defsta...
RunSnippetCommand 插件实现代码,以下是基于 Python 3.8 的语法,可以根据 Sublime 选择器实现更多语言的支持,包括 C/C++,只需要配置好编译器待调用即可。 ## ⚡ JumpTo ... 使用SublimeText 阅读文档和写作是日常活动,特别是最近在阅读 [CPython](https://github.com/python/cpython) 以及 C# 相关开源代码及...
How do I run a Python script from the command line?Show/Hide What is the difference between running Python code in script mode and running it in interactive mode?Show/Hide Can I run a Python script by double-clicking it in a file manager?Show/Hide ...
run_existing_command.py sublimerepl.py sublimerepl_build_system_hack.py sublimerepl_build_system_hack.sublime-build text_transfer.py README.md SublimeREPL for SublimeText (2 and 3) If you would like to donate to support SublimeREPL development, you can do so using GitTip or PayPal....