Currently I am running Git bash inside IntelliJ Idea ( I would like to use cmder but I need to know if I can do the same, and if so, what command line arguments do I need to supply? 👍 27 ...
import com.intellij.execution.process.OSProcessHandlerimport com.intellij.execution.process.ProcessHandlerimport java.nio.charset.Charset val commands: util.ArrayList[String] = new util.ArrayList[String] commands.add("some_command")commands.add("parameter1") val generalCommandLine = new GeneralComm...
Run anything Last modified: 11 November 2024 DoubleCtrl Run Anythingis a quick way to launchrun/debug configurations, applications, scripts, commands, tasks, and open recent projects. It also helps you use proper command syntax by generating suggestions as you type. When you call a command,...
To run IntelliJ IDEA, find it in the WindowsStartmenu or use the desktop shortcut. You can also run the launcher batch script or executable in the installation directory underbin. For more information about running IntelliJ IDEA from the command line, refer toCommand-line interface. ...
Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. It allows to run your RunConfiguration inside cmd.exe instead of internal IDEA console. Also it provides ability to modify a program and VM options on-the-fly before run. Repository link Supported IDEA versions: 2020....
Run highlighted command using IDE(default shortcut: Ctrl + Enter or Cmd + Enter) Debug highlighted command using IDE(default shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + Enter or Cmd + Shift + Enter) You can try this feature in the latestIntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 EAP. ...
I do not understand why this is not working in my Intellij 15.0.2 IDEA. I have jdk version 1.8.0_11 installed in Program files(x86) /Java on my Windows 8.1 machine and have the project SDK pointing to that library. I have set the Language Level to " 8 - Lambdas,...
Update to support IntelliJ IDEA 2019.x 1.6 Support running JUnit tests 1.5 Added $freePort macros available in "To add" options. Plugin will replace it with some free port. This is very useful when you want to debug application launched via this plugin. ...
Poor Guy Get Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate, Community), Android Studioand16 more Plugin Versions Compatibility: IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Channels: Stable
What if there was some kind of universal action that you could use to perform certain tasks faster? Today, let’s take a look at a simple but not yet widely-known command,Run Anything, available in IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3+. Invoking it is as easy as double-pressingCtrl. What is it used ...