缺失了文件.sudo_as_admin_successful 解决方法: 创建新的文件touch ~/.sudo_as_admin_successful
在Linux或类Unix操作系统中,以管理员(用户"root")权限运行命令通常使用sudo命令。以下是详细步骤,以及一个示例来说明如何使用sudo命令: 打开终端或命令行界面: 这通常可以通过在桌面环境中搜索“终端”或“Terminal”来找到并打开。 输入命令 "sudo <command>": 在这里,<command>是你想要以管理员权限运行...
linux启动终端出现To run a command as administrator (user root) use sudo command See man sudo_root 1.
5. 在Linux系统中以管理员身份运行 (Running as Administrator in Linux) 在Linux系统中,管理员通常被称为“root”用户。以管理员身份运行程序的方法如下: 5.1 使用sudo命令 (Using sudo Command) 打开终端。 输入sudo命令,后面跟上要运行的程序。例如:sudo apt-get update。
ubuntu服务器上提示 To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>". See " 解决方案 2018-12-21 09:40 −... ZhangShengjie 0 7449 Docker启动ubuntu容器中使用sudo后报错,bash: sudo: command not found 2019-12-12 15:20 −出错问题: docker启动ubuntu容器后,使用sudo命...
if ypu mean open an administrative commandline you havd a few options: 1: Right click run as adminiatrator on the cmd shortcut or executable 2: Right click, open properties of shortcut or exe, click "run with administrator priviledges" and click okay, now when you open it it launches ...
Microsoft: runas command Examples runas /user:Administrator myCommand runas "/user:First Last" "my command" Notes Just don't forget to put double quotes around anything that has a space in it. Also it's quite possible that you have never set the password on the Adminis...
With cgroup v2, systemd has complete control of the cpuset controller. This level of control enables an administrator to schedule work on only a specific CPU core. Check CPUs foruser.slice. Copy cd/sys/fs/cgroup/user.slicels cat../cpuset.cpus.effective ...
You’re now ready to start your container. First, open a Command-line prompt (cmd.exe) as Administrator, and startdockerd.exewith the right environment: C:\Users\mathi\> set LCOW_SUPPORTED=1 C:\Users\mathi\> .\dockerd.exe -D --data-root C:\lcow ...