New-CMTSStepRunPowerShellScript [-ExecutionPolicy <ExecutionPolicyType>] -Name <String> [-OutputVariableName <String>] [-Parameter <String>] -SourceScript <String> [-SuccessCode <Int32[]>] [-TimeoutMins <Int32>] [-UserName <String>] [-UserPassword <SecureString>] [-WorkingDirectory <String...
PowerShell.Admin Add-WindowsFeature, Get-WindowsFeature modules not recognized in powershell. ADD-WorkSheet Excel Adding -Verbose to a Cmdlet Prevents Script From Terminating on Error Adding a 2 line streetaddress to user accounts in Active Directory Adding an AD account to an AD group Adding an...
使用此 cmdlet 配置 运行 PowerShell 脚本 任务序列步骤的实例。 有关此步骤的详细信息,请参阅 关于任务序列步骤:运行 PowerShell 脚本。 注意 从 Configuration Manager 站点驱动器运行 Configuration Manager cmdlet,例如 PS XYZ:\>。 有关详细信息,请参阅 入门。
Refer to PowerShell.exe -? for all the possible syntax options. Example 1: Runs a simple cmdlet. Windows 命令提示符 复制 PowerShell.exe -Command "Get-Date" Example 2: Runs a query via SQLCmd.exe against the current server (the example uses SQL Agent token replacement). ...
To use that cmdlet remotely, you can use Invoke-Command -Computername $computer -ArgumentList $ServiceName -ScriptBlock { param($service) Restart-Service -Name $service} Edit Lee_Daily pointed out that the object returned from Get-Service contains a MachineName property. When this object is...
This step will guide you on how to Add the Batch file to a PowerShell script to run automatically when the PowerShell script is being run. Method: 1 One way of running a Batch file from the PowerShell script is using the Start-Process cmdlet. The Start-Process cmdlet allows you to ...
When you try to run Microsoft Azure Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell cmdlets, you receive the following error message: The term <cmdlet name> is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or ...
And that is exactly what challenged the customer in Case #3 above.How can I tell how long my script runs?Use one of these techniques to test different versions of your code for speed.PowerShell has a cmdlet Measure-Command that takes an -Expression scriptblock parameter....
This file is my Windows PowerShell test script. The get-childitem command is one of approximately 130 built-in Windows PowerShell cmdlets. Many of these cmdlets also have aliases. The get-childitem cmdlet, for instance, has a few aliases—it can be given as "dir" (for those most familiar...
Then use the Add-CMTaskSequenceStep cmdlet to add the step to a task sequence. For more information on this step, see About task sequence steps: Run PowerShell Script. Notă Run Configuration Manager cmdlets from the Configuration Manager site drive, for example PS XYZ:\>. For more ...