点开始菜单,找到Accessories(附件),找到Command Prompt窗口,点右键,选“run as administrator”(以管理员身份运行),之后再执行先前的命令就好了。 2017年8月26日11:43:09
C#以管理员(Run as Administrator)的权限打开cmd.exe程指定序并执行命令,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Open Command Prompt as admin by searching for it, right-clicking, and picking “Run as administrator.” Go to the PsExec folder by typingcd C:\PSTools(replace the path with actual path to where the folder is) and hittingEnter. Start the app as SYSTEM withpsexec.exe -i -s c:\app.exe...
Close that CMD.EXE and "l", "L", whatever, no problem. Open a regular (NON-elevated) CMD.EXE, no problem. An elevated CMD.EXE started by going directly to C:\Windows\System32\ and right-clicking on the real CMD.EXE and selecting Run as Administrator, no problem...
And I see no checkbox with choice to run it as administrator. QUESTIONS Is it even possible? If yes how do I do it? Using settings or other way? There are no options in the IDE for running the shell (cmd.exe,powershell.exeetc.) with higher rights at the moment. ...
a can't run as admin CMD from the shortcut but I can run it from .exe (home folder). We with MS support reinstall Windows 11 but it did not help at all. As a workaround, I can run apps as an admin from Task Manager.We checked all possibilities with support so it seems ...
I wonder how do I run a .bat or .cmd file as an administrator within a folder where the name contains the same Ampersand "&"? every time I try to run the file appears an error ... at what I did when I try to run as administrator cmd understand that & the folder name is a co...
First, open Command Prompt by going to Start, search for CMD and then hit enter. To run a program as administrator, type:runas/user:UserName“PathToTheProgramExeFile“ UserName shall be the Windows user profile name that has administrator privilege, whilePathToTheProgramExeFileshall be the path...
Run PowerShell as Administrator From a Folder Creating a Shortcut for PowerShell on the Desktop If you’d like an easy way to invoke PowerShell, you can also create a Windows shortcut for it. Once you’ve got the Create Shortcutprocess started, provide the path to the PowerShell executab...
In the results, you will see ‘cmd‘. Right-click on it and from the context menu select Run as Administrator. TIP: This post will help you if you can’t run Command Prompt as administrator. Open Elevated Command Prompt using the System32 folder The System32 folder contains the storage ...