Run Shell Scripts in Ubuntu First of all, let us create a simple bash script. I'll create a useful bash script that shows the available disk space and RAM: #!/bin/bash # Script that shows the available disk space and memory # Disk space echo -e "FREE DISK SPACE" df -h /dev/sda...
bash(Bourne Again SHell) is an enhanced version ofsh(Bourne Shell). Bash includes additional features like command line editing. If your script relies on Bash-specific features, use#!/bin/bash; otherwise,#!/bin/shis sufficient. How can I debug my shell script? Run your script with the-xo...
Bash Support implements a Bash-IDE for Vim/gVim. It is written to considerably speed up writing code in a consistent style. This is done by inserting complete statements, comments, idioms, and code snippets. Syntax checking, running a script, starting a debugger can be done with a keystroke....
Clone the above repository and run the script, you'll need to do this only once or whenever the noredist jar dependencies are updated in the above repository. Build using: $ mvn clean install -Dnoredist -P developer,systemvm ...
Convenience bash functions# Various build phases are defined in conveniencebashfunctions namedtravis_run_*(e.g.,travis_run_before_install,travis_run_install). Run these build phases to observe your build: travis_run_before_install travis_run_install travis_run_before_script travis_run_script travis...
"shellscript": "bash", "fsharp": "fsi", "csharp": "scriptcs", "vbscript": "cscript //Nologo", "typescript": "ts-node", "coffeescript": "coffee", "scala": "scala", "swift": "swift", "julia": "julia", "crystal": "crystal", ...
#2) bash The BASH shell is also included in each distribution. It is in fact, very useful for writing scripts. #3) expect Also present in each distributive. Rather simple but very handy syntax TCL. –expect-perl ? expect-python (pyexpect) – libraries except for scripting languages, Perl...
OpenLDAP & phpLDAPadmin in 1' Example script: #!/bin/bash -e docker run --name ldap-service --hostname ldap-service --detach osixia/openldap:1.1.8 docker run --name phpldapadmin-service --hostname phpldapadmin-service --link ldap-service:ldap-host --env PHPLDAPADMIN_LDAP_HOSTS=ldap-host ...
#!/bin/bash # Get directory this script is in DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" OS=$(uname -s) if [ "$OS" = "Darwin" ]; then DIR_OS="MacOS" else DIR_OS="Linux" fi if [[ "$*" == *"--ios"* ]]; then DIR_OS="iOS" elif [[ "$*" ...