如果他們使用 --runafter 範例殼層腳本建立封存,則他們可能會使用 AzCopy 管道將 gzipped tarball 直接從 Azure Blob 儲存器擷取到目標位置,例如: cd ${TARGET_DIRECTORY} azcopy cp "${BLOB_STORE}/${ARCHIVE_BLOB_TGZ}?${BLOB_SAS_KEY}" --from-to BlobPipe | tar zxvf - 擷取快照集封存的內容。 在...
Test that the Microsoft Genomics Python client is working with the following command PythonCopy msgen list -f"<full path where you saved the config file>" Create a Microsoft Azure Storage account The Microsoft Genomics service expects inputs to be stored as block blobs in an Azure storage acco...
Create a blob container from the Azure portal. After you create the container, upload the Collection DACPAC file. After the migration finishes, delete the blob container and accompanying storage account with tools such as AzCopy or any other Azure storage explorer tool, like Azure Storage Explorer...
* onnxruntime * speed up Windows TRT CI (#2811) * don't run cuda tests if building with tensorrt * remove unnecessary build options for win trt ci * refactor win gpu tensorrt ci yml * --numpy_version=1.17 * update * update * azcopy and cuda path * Update test data (#2356) * ...
{HOME}/.azcopy/logs/" #If set, to anything, on-screen output will include counts of chunks by state export AZCOPY_SHOW_PERF_STATES=true # _END_ AzCopy Settings # do not change any of the following # Make sure we got some command line args if [ "$(basename "$0")" = "snapshot...
Create a blob container from the Azure portal. After you create the container, upload the Collection DACPAC file.After the migration finishes, delete the blob container and accompanying storage account with tools such as AzCopy or any other Azure storage explorer tool, like Azure Storage Explorer...
Upload any datasets for processing to the storage account using the Azure CLI, Azure Storage Explorer, orazcopy. Submit jobs to process the data to the Batch service using the Azure CLI, Batch Explorer, or other tools. For this example deployment, we developed acustom command line toolthat ...
Create a blob container from the Azure portal. After you create the container, upload the Collection DACPAC file. After the migration finishes, delete the blob container and accompanying storage account with tools such as AzCopy or any other Azure storage explorer tool, like Azure Storage Explorer...
Create a blob container from the Azure portal. After you create the container, upload the Collection DACPAC file. After the migration finishes, delete the blob container and accompanying storage account with tools such as AzCopy or any other Azure storage explorer tool, like Azure Storage Explorer...
選項中 --runafter 只有 的值 $azSnapshotName。範例使用方式這項新功能的範例使用方式是使用 azcopy 工具將快照集上傳至 Azure Blob 以進行封存目的( 使用AzCopy 將資料複製到Azure 儲存體)。下列crontab 專案是單行,並在過去午夜五處執行 azacsnap。 請注意傳遞 snapshot-to-blob.sh 快照集名稱和快照集前置詞...