Type the program you want to run as TrustedInstaller — e.g., Command Prompt (cmd.exe), and click OK. Note that the User name field readsNT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. Also, when a program is launched under TrustedInstaller context, Task Manager or any process manager would show that it’s running...
提权TrustedInstaller示例(提权时只能在cmd下提权,可提权到powershell窗口或cmd窗口) 代码语言:javascript 复制 AdvancedRun.exe/Clear/EXEFilename"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"/StartDirectory"C:\" /CommandLine ""/RunAs8/Run AdvancedRun.exe/Clear/EXEFilename"C:\Windows\System...
Here is an example command you can run in Windows 10 CLI to run the Command Prompt as a Trustedinstaller with all privileges enabled: NSudoLG -U:T -P:E cmd Closing words These apps are a great way to work around changing file permissions manually and just getting the task done. However...
Windows 11 has this cool feature called Task Scheduler. It lets you set up a task to run an app as certain user level, such as Administrator, TrustedInstaller or even SYSTEM. Start Task Scheduler by pressingWin + R, typingtaskschd.msc, and hittingEnter. Click “Create Task” on the right...
Select the program (e.g., regedit.exe, or cmd.exe) you want to launch as that user. Click OK. Now the program (e.g., cmd.exe) would run asSYSTEM(NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) The above method can also be used to launch any program underTrustedInstaller. ...
TIR can be used to run any program as Trusted Installer. To do this, run TIR from the command line and specify the program you want to run as a command line argument. For example, to run cmd.exe as Trusted Installer, run: tir.exe cmd.exe Build TIR can be built using the included...
game, where nothing can stop your actions, so if you execute a malware infected file as TrustedInstaller, it can cause damage to the Windows operating system. Use this mode only if you perfectly understand what you are doing and if there is no simpler way than running it as Trusted ...
Running a .cmd file at startup using Task Scheduler on Windows 2012 R2 server running a program as a service in windows server 2008 r2 Running a vbs script in task schedule in windows 2008 Running of Terminal Server disk space, considering different Profile environment to save space. Need sug...
Run scheduled as build-in administrator runas with /netonly and /savecred Running a .cmd file at startup using Task Scheduler on Windows 2012 R2 server running a program as a service in windows server 2008 r2 Running a vbs script in task schedule in windows 2008 Running of Terminal Server ...
In the command prompt window that appears, you can run any command as SYSTEM. Now you can change, rename or delete system files/registry keys that are owned by TrustedInstaller or SYSTEM. All programs or processes you start in this window will run with elevated LocalSystem privileges. For exam...