[ansible@server1 ~]$ ansible-doc firewalld ##查看防火墙的配置规则 2、启动防火墙服务 [ansible@server1 ~]$ ansible test -m service -a "name=firewalld state=started" ##开启防火墙服务 [ansible@server1 ~]$ ansible test -m service -a "name=firewalld enabled=yes" ##开机自启 1. 2. 3....
【一口气看完】全站天花板你绝对之前没看过的【devops课程+Jenkins课程实战,基于docker,k8s的devops使用等等】零基础入门到实战阶段全套! 54 -- 43:22 App 100- Jenkins Shared Library 38 -- 9:34 App 255- Introduction to Alertmanager 23 -- 5:27 App 244- Project Run Ansible from Jenkins Pipeline...
Ansible可以用于自动化部署、配置管理和应用程序发布等任务。 在使用Ansible拉入并运行mysql-server docker时,可以通过编写Ansible Playbook来实现自动化部署和配置。下面是一个示例的Ansible Playbook: 代码语言:txt 复制 --- - name: Deploy and run mysql-server docker hosts: target_servers become: true ta...
On DeployBot, you can use Ansible to process your code before it is deployed to your selected servers. DeployBot makes availableBuild Toolsthat can be used to execute commands that will prepare code for deployment. This is done inside a secure Docker container on the DeployBot servers. Inside t...
An open and reliable container runtime containerd.io License Apache-2.0 license 17.6kstars3.5kforksBranchesTagsActivity Star Notifications main BranchesTags Code Folders and files Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. 14,595 Commits ...
If you change anything in the below mentioned files the playbook might not work anymore. You need a basic understanding of Linux, Ansible, Jinja2 and yaml to do so. If you want to do more fine tuning you may have a look at: group_vars\all.ymlfor settings of directories, docker image ...
$ sudo systemctl status docker Checking Docker CE Status ● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2019-03-06 08:06:42 UTC; 2min 18s ago ...
OCF(Open Container Format):runC是Docker按照开放容器格式标准(OCF)制定的一种具体实现,runC是从Docker的libcontainer中迁移而来的,实现了容器启停,资源隔离等功能,Docker默认提供了docker-runc实现。 二、Docker的镜像 默认Docker的镜像是集中放置在Docker Hub上的,docker在创建容器时,Docker会先检查本地是否有镜像,如果...
docker run命令用于在Docker容器中运行一个新的容器实例。通常情况下,该命令会返回正在运行的容器的标准输出,但有时可能会遇到不返回任何内容的情况。 这种情况可能有以下几种可能原因: 1...
kolla部署openstack allinone,报错APIError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error (\"oci runtime error: container_linux.go:235: starting container process caused \"container init exited prematurely 2019-12-17 13:24 −使用 kolla-ansible 部署 opnenstack:stein 执行 kolla-ansible -i ./all-in-...