A trailblazer in the run and gun genre, Contra captivated players with its intense side-scrolling action and challenging gameplay. As Bill Rizer and Lance Bean, players navigated treacherous terrain and annihilated waves of enemies to save Earth from the nefarious Red Falcon organization. In additio...
Contra: Operation Galuga is a thorough reimagining of the classic run 'n' gun NES/arcade game from the 1980s, featuring timeless gameplay, iconic weapons, and intense co-op combat! Limited Run worked to match this energy with physical editions that celebrate the high-octane action and ...
The Roots had another strong day led once again bySue Stephens-WrightandAmy Costaboth going for 21 and change.Brenda Crosswas wonderful with 15.10 miles. There is an outside chance The Roots will be able to catch Trips 2 My Lou with another couple strong days before reaching the pier. The...
I won plentyfull of time enough to say I won enough to say I won in order for me to say I win and won however game played again and again and again and one place to follow is important in a World Of Lies and Truth where business drives people to produce a whole worlds full of p...
KONAMI and WayForward team up to bring Contra: Operation Galuga’shigh-octane action to modern gaming platforms Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. and WayForward today announced thatContra: Operation Galuga– a new entry in the legendary Contra run-‘n’-gun video game series – is on its way...
A trailblazer in the run and gun genre, Contra captivated players with its intense side-scrolling action and challenging gameplay. As Bill Rizer and Lance Bean, players navigated treacherous terrain and annihilated waves of enemies to save Earth from the nefarious Red Falcon organization. In additio...
Over 800 gamers have voted on the 40+ items on Best Run And Gun Games of All Time. Current Top 3: Metal Slug X, Metal Slug, Metal Slug 3
A trailblazer in the run and gun genre, Contra captivated players with its intense side-scrolling action and challenging gameplay. As Bill Rizer and Lance Bean, players navigated treacherous terrain and annihilated waves of enemies to save Earth from the nefarious Red Falcon organization. In additio...
A trailblazer in the run and gun genre, Contra captivated players with its intense side-scrolling action and challenging gameplay. As Bill Rizer and Lance Bean, players navigated treacherous terrain and annihilated waves of enemies to save Earth from the nefarious Red Falcon organization. In additio...
A trailblazer in the run and gun genre, Contra captivated players with its intense side-scrolling action and challenging gameplay. As Bill Rizer and Lance Bean, players navigated treacherous terrain and annihilated waves of enemies to save Earth from the nefarious Red Falcon organization. In additio...