You have to execute the shell script through command line input. First, you have to make the shell script executable by running the following command: $ chmod +x scriptname Write your shell script name in place of “scriptname” in the above command. For this particular guide, the script ...
COMMAND Runs COMMAND in docker compose container. On first run, asks for the service container to use and saves it to .dce_container next to the docker-compose.yml file. If no command given, opens a shell. Options: -c, --container SERVICE use the container of the specified service ...
bash ./ Or sh ./shell_script.shScript ran using the interpreter (bash) You can type either the relative path or the absolute path here. Using the source command to run the script in current shell By default, a shell script runs in a subshell. Sometimes, you may want...
The docker run command runs a command in a new container, pulling the image if needed and starting the container. You can restart a stopped container with all its previous changes intact using docker start. Use docker ps -a to view a list of all containers, including those that are stopped...
Can I run Git commands if my remote repo is in GitHub or another Git service such as Bitbucket Cloud?YesWhich tasks can I use to run Git commands?Batch ScriptCommand LinePowerShellShell ScriptHow do I avoid triggering a CI build when the script pushes?Add [skip ci] to your commit ...
Can I run Git commands if my remote repo is in GitHub or another Git service such as Bitbucket Cloud?YesWhich tasks can I use to run Git commands?Batch ScriptCommand LinePowerShellShell ScriptHow do I avoid triggering a CI build when the script pushes?Add [skip ci] to your commit ...
From a bash script I want to run a command which might fail, store its exit code in a variable, and run a subsequent command regardless of that exit code. Examples of what I'm trying to avoid: Usingset: set+e# disable exit on error (it was explicitly enabled earlier)do...
Can I run Git commands if my remote repo is in GitHub or another Git service such as Bitbucket Cloud?YesWhich tasks can I use to run Git commands?Batch ScriptCommand LinePowerShellShell ScriptHow do I avoid triggering a CI build when the script pushes?Add [skip ci] to your commit ...
Here are all the essential details you should know about executing a shell script in the Linux command line.
Can I run Git commands if my remote repo is in GitHub or another Git service such as Bitbucket Cloud? Yes Which tasks can I use to run Git commands? Batch Script Command Line PowerShell Shell Script How do I avoid triggering a CI build when the script pushes?