Git 2.36 we revamped the way how hooks are invoked. One change that is end-user visible is that the output of a hook is no longer directly connected to the standard output of "git" that spawns the ...
Merge pull request#11115from champtar/log_container_event_discarded Mar 1, 2025 5671f0e·Mar 1, 2025 History 14,824 Commits .devcontainer .github api client cluster cmd contrib core defaults docs integration internal pkg plugins releases
通过Pull Request 同步 将会在向当前分支创建一个 Pull Request,合入后将完成同步 zhongtao clean sandbox when create failed to be con... e980d88 11天前 3496 次提交 提交 取消 提示: 由于Git 不支持空文件夾,创建文件夹后会生成空的 .keep 文件 .gitee add api change item for pull templa...
2.kcp: 超多使用的可靠udp协议库 3.json: 超快的json解析库 4.dnlib: 巨强C#源码反编译库 5.websocket-sharp: websocket, https服务器网络库 ...
GitHub surfaces possible actions for that check run in the pull request view. The user selects the action they want carried out. For example, they clickFix: GitHub sends a webhook event to the app with the details of the user request. ...
理解了 pull request 的含义和流程,具体操作也就简单了。以 Github 排名最高的为例说明。 1. 先点击 fork 仓库,项目现在就在你的账号下了 2. 在你自己的机器上 git clone 这个仓库,切换分支(也可以在 master 下),做一些修改。
其实这属于API设计上的一个BUG,最近看到ORT的Github上已经做了修复。参见这个Pull Request: struct Session : detail::SessionImpl<OrtSession> { - explicit Session(std::nullptr_t) {} ///< Create an empty Session object, must be assigned a valid one to be used - Session(Env& env, const ORTCHA...
controller-runtime 是基于 client-go 的 K8s 控制器开发框架,帮助开发者聚焦业务代码,快速高效的开发控制器。 本文由一次工作中遇到的故障说起,重点介绍了 controller-runtime 带有缓存机制的 Client 组件及其实现原理,并总结了一些与控制器缓存相关的实践注意事项。
When I started working with gitlab's CI I expected to be able to set up a similar workflow as I see done on github, where a pull request triggers the CI to run the test suite on the merged code, ensuring that the resulting master after merge passes all tests. As far as I can se...
This kind of workflow is actually almost possible on gitlab today by having the approver manually push the changes to the main repo; the real downside of that workflow is that currently there's I believe no way to edit a merge request to change the source branch from the original fork to...