that fleetwood mac had become the biggest record warner bros. had ever released while the band was making rumours allowed for an impossibly long tether for them to dick around and correct the next album until it was immaculate. given the standalone nature of rumours , it's difficult to ...
FLEETWOOD MAC是美国前总统克林顿的至爱,白宫特邀嘉宾乐队。Dreams是美国著名摇滚乐队Fleetwood Mac的代表作之一,由乐队主唱Stevie Nicks创作,单曲发行于1977年3月24日(美国),收录在乐队第十一张录音室专辑《Rumours》中。Dreams为乐队在Billboard Hot 100上唯一的冠
Fleetwood Mac - Rhiannon (官方MV) 海盗Michael 100 1 软摇滚代表乐队:Fleetwood Mac十大歌曲 有个阿一 1978 11 【forever graceful】Fleetwood Mac - Save Me(behind the mask album) 蒙奇D皮卡猿 50 0 【小嗨现场】Fleetwood Mac~Second Hand News各版本(rumours album) 蒙奇D皮卡猿 57 0 展开 ...
网易云音乐发现音乐 我的音乐 关注 商城 音乐人 云推歌 下载客户端 登录 创作者中心 音乐/视频/电台/用户 推荐 排行榜 歌单 主播电台 歌手 新碟上架上一首 播放/暂停 下一首 00:00 / 00:00 收藏 分享 0
网易云音乐发现音乐 我的音乐 关注 商城 音乐人 云推歌 下载客户端 登录 创作者中心 音乐/视频/电台/用户 现在支持搜索MV啦~ 推荐 排行榜 歌单 主播电台 歌手 新碟上架上一首 播放/暂停 下一首 00:00 / 00:00 收藏 分享 0
Rumours is the 11th studio album by British-American rock band Fleetwood Mac. Largely recorded in California during 1976, it was produced by the band with Ken Caillat and Richard Dashut and was released on 4 February 1977 by Warner Bros. Records. The record peaked at the top of both the ...
表演者: Fleetwood Mac 流派: 摇滚 专辑类型: 专辑 介质: Audio CD 发行时间: 1977 出版者: Warner Bros / Wea 唱片数: 1 条形码: 0075992731324 其他版本: Rumours (全部) 豆瓣评分 9.2 6765人评价 5星 68.3% 4星 26.3% 3星 5.0% 2星 0.3% 1星 0.1% 想听 在听 听过 评价: 写短评...
RUMOURS OF FLEETWOOD MAC - THE WORLD'S FINEST 'FLEETWOOD MAC' TRIBUTE CONCERT now performed to over 2 MILLION MAC fans across the world to date. Streamed 125 MILLION views across YouTube, 5 stars on TICKETMASTER and tours with Mick Fleetwood's blessing.
In 1977 cameRumours,the Fleetwood Mac album that drew together strains of Los Angeles music and the Los Angeles music business—the rich, lush sound of endless overdubs, the drugs, the hubris, the merry-go-round of partners, the spiritual turn of the lyrics, and the cascade of therapists....