例如,已知Ruminococcus bromii对健康具有有益效果。 当长期食用水果和蔬菜时,瘤胃球菌属能够发酵复合糖类,产生乙酸酯、丙酸盐以及具有抗炎效益的丁酸盐。 肉食增加有害菌 Ruminococcus gnavus 部分瘤胃球菌属已被证明具有促炎性。以动物为基础的饮食会增加有害菌Ruminococcus gnavus,减少参与食物中植物多糖代谢的有益菌...
3.2 Ruminococcus bromii R. bromii is a core gut microbiota species found in humans and animals (Umu et al., 2015). It encodes a narrow spectrum of carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes), which play a crucial role in the degradation of dietary resistant starch (Ze et al., 2013) to produce...
XiaoleiZe, Sylvia HDuncan, PetraLouis, Harry JFlint. (2012) Ruminococcus bromii is a keystone species for the degradation of resistant starch in the human colon. The ISME Journal 6 , 1535-1543 /Ze X, Duncan SH, Louis P, Flint HJ. Ruminococcus bromii is a keystone species...
肥胖(超重):一项研究包括肥胖组(BMI≥40kg/m2)和对照组(BMI在18.5 ~ 24.9kg/m2之间)的粪便菌群,其中Ruminococcus bromii, Ruminococcus obeum 在肥胖患者中丰度较高。 非酒精性脂肪肝:与单纯性脂肪肝患者相比,非酒精性脂肪性肝炎患者瘤胃球菌属丰度升高。 肝细胞癌:肝细胞癌患者粪便中瘤胃球菌(Ruminococcus)、肠球菌...
bromii has a pivotal role in fermentation of RS3 in the human large intestine, and that variation in the occurrence of this species and its close relatives may be a primary cause of variable energy recovery from this important component of the diet. This work also indicates that R. bromii ...
For example, Ruminococcus champanellensis is the most active cellulolytic bacterium isolated from the human colon [10], whilst Ruminococcus bromii has a key role in the fermentation of resistant starch [11]. Fermentation of these complex polysaccharides results in the production of short chain fatty...
The human gut symbiont Ruminococcus bromii expresses Sas6 (Starch Adherence System member 6), which consists of two starch-specific carbohydrate-binding modules from family 26 (RbCBM26) and family 74 (RbCBM74). Here, we present the crystal structures of Sas6 and of RbCBM74 bound with a ...
肥胖(超重):一项研究包括肥胖组(BMI≥40kg/m2)和对照组(BMI在18.5 ~ 24.9kg/m2之间)的粪便菌群,其中Ruminococcus bromii, Ruminococcus obeum 在肥胖患者中丰度较高。 非酒精性脂肪肝:与单纯性脂肪肝患者相比,非酒精性脂肪性肝炎患者瘤胃球菌属丰度升高。
ruminococcus bromii is a keystone species for the degradation of resistant starch in the human colon microbe-microbe and microbe-host interactions The release of energy from particulate substrates such as dietary fiber and resistant starch (RS) in the human colon may depend on the presence of speci...
摘要: Ruminococcus bromii sp. n. is described. It grows anaerobically, produces ethanol and acetic and formic acids from fermentable carbohydrates, and has complex nutritional requirements, indicating that it is a member of the genus Ruminococcus, which is here emended....