the veil.On the day when we cast off the body’s veil from the soul,you will see that we are the envy and the despair of the moonand the Polestars.Wash your face and become clean for beholding us, else re-main afar, for we are beloveds of ourselves.We are not that beauty who ...
Summary and Analysis of the Poem 'Dover Beach' by Matthew Arnold Analysis of "The Day Lady Died" by Frank O'Hara A Summary and Analysis of the Poem "Bright Star" by John Keats Poem Analysis and Summary: 'The Second Coming' by William Butler Yeats...
Rumi is calling out the fear of letting go. The voices that tell us to hold on to structure and control—the “they” in this poem—aren’t helping. They keep us stuck, afraid to embrace emptiness, which he sees as the space where freedom and creativity thrive. The message here is to...
Does sunset sometimes look like the sun’s coming up? Do you know what a faithful love is like? You’re crying. You say you’ve burned yourself. But can you think of anyone who’s not hazy with smokes? 568 人的形状是一个幽灵 由干扰和痛苦组成。 有时是纯净的光,有时是残忍...
We should see the sky open up or the stars descend. There are birds migrating, but we don’t hear them, cars on their way to futures made of a throw of the dice. The pigeons here bring no messages. A few flies stitch the air. Sometimes a poem knows no way out ...
Rumi, Fountain of Fire75 poems translated from the original Persian by Nader Khalili"e;you are forever my shining sun and i am like this poemrestless with hopes and fears"e;Rumi's message transcends the limitation of language and the boundaries of time. Human beings were born for unli...
This particular passage from the poem, "The Guest House," gained popularity in an unlikely context:it was featured on a Coldplay album. As Rozina Aliwrotefor The New Yorker in 2017, the "erasure of Islam from Rumi's poetry started long before Coldplay got involved." But as the po...
Protected: Rumi Poem: Be Silent Password Protected To view this protected post, enter the password below: Protected: 21 Days of Rumi Audiobook Password Protected To view this protected post, enter the password below: Poem by Anonymous: The only way to get drunk ...
The beautiful and transcendental love poems of Sufi mystic Rumi meets the modern day artist Tilda Swinton in this evocative reading of the poem ‘Like this’.If anyone asks you how the perfect satis…
This poem is written in the old Eastern form to GodYou found your pearl in the wineBut you became the vessel to carry by lilacWhen in the ocean of purple wisdomI look for my myself being lost and driftedThe vessel that contains the True-Love finds within distilled wineO...