Rumah Sakit Dr. Sitanala 810公尺 Taman pramuka 970公尺 Taman Makam Pahlawan Taruna 970公尺 Bio Medika Lab 1.1公里 阿爾阿茲哈爾清真寺 1.1公里 Taman Balai Kota Tangerang 1.2公里 RSU Kabupaten Tangerang 1.2公里 RS Sari Asih Ar-Rahnah 1.3公里 ...
Tinjauan Lama Waktu Pendistribusian Rekam Medis Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Umum Bhakti AsihMedical record is written or recorded information regarding identity, history taking, physical determination, laboratory, diagnosis of all medical services and actions provided to patients and...
This because of there are too many existing workforce but there are a little of job opportunity available. Honoree midwives should be prepared in job taking competition and so the income without thinking of their welfare and their family.Asih...