Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah Berdiri (15-7-1946) Populasi (899.407) Kecamatan (12) Kelurahan (167) UMK (1,998,153) Akses & Fasilitas di Sukoharjo Terminal Toll Stasiun Rumah Sakit Sekolah Cuaca & Lingkungan di Sukoharjo Suhu (23° - 31°C) ...
Kajian Kinerja Pelayanan Kesehatan di RumahSakit Karya Bhakti Bogor : Suatu Pendekatan Balanced ScorecardAnalysis of Health Services Perfomance on Karya Bhakti Hospital in Bogor : A Balanced Scorecard Approach Edwin Miharza The purpose of this research was (1) to obtain the hospitalperformance in ...
Purwanto - 《Bogor Agricultural University》 被引量: 1发表: 2009年 STUDI KOLEKSI REFERENSI RESERVOIR PENYAKIT DI DAERAH ENZOOTIK PES DI JAWA BARAT DAN JAWA TIMUR Hasil koleksi referensi reservoir penyakit adalah tikus rumah Rattus tanezumi ditemukan baik di Kecamatan Nongkojajar, Kabupaten Pasuruan...
Perpindahan Ibukota Kabupaten Nganjuk dari Berbek ke Nganjuk 1880 M berdasarkan kajian geohistori Pasca pemindahan ibukota Nganjuk mengalami perubahan yang besar dari adanya pembangunan stasiun, kantor pos, rumah sakit, dan pabrik gula. Penelitian ini ... DD Fritambiradi,SSP Jati - 《Historiography...
Analysis on Attitude and Behavior of Pet Owner in Bogor Area toward Services of Animal Hospital of Bogor Agricultural Institute (RSH-IPB) Abdul Aziz The purpose of this study is 1) to analyze the attitude of pet owner then conduct its segmentation, 2) to analyze the attitude of pet owner ...
KARAKTERISTIK KLIEN YANG DIRAWAT DI RUANG MODEL PRAKTEK KEPERAWATAN PROFESIONAL RUMAH SAKIT Dr. H. MARZOEKI MAHDI BOGORprofessional nursing practice modelcharacteristicsmental health clientsvarietySince September 2000, Community and Mental Health Department Faculty of Nursing University of Indonesia, have ...
Based on the results of research at the Medical Record Unit of the Annisa Hospital, Bogor, it was found that the medical record storage rack was inadequate and some medical records were piled on the floor, making it difficult for officers to find medical records when ...
PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP TERHADAP IMUNISASI TETANUSTOXOID DENGAN KELENGKAPAN IMUNISASI IBU HAMILDI KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI HULU RIAU Latar Belakang: Kematian akibat tetanus di negara berkembang 135 kali\nlebih tinggi dibandingkan di negara maju. Di Indonesia tahun 2010\ndilapokan 147 kasus dengan jumlah menin...
Kelainan Jantung Kucing Secara Ultrasonografi Di Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan Institut Pertanian Bogor Dan Klinik Hewan Di Jakartadoi:10.19087/jveteriner.2020.21.3.340JAKARTA (Indonesia)ULTRASONIC imagingHEART diseasesVETERINARY hospitalsCAT diseasesHeart diseases are the main...