Most patients had secondary infertility with a duration of 1-3 years. There is no relation between the increasing age of female partners and the decreasing success of IUI at Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Puri Bunda Denpasar (p=0,329). But female partners aged 25-35 years...
Clinical pathways are used in quality and cost control with indicators of length of stay. Cases of typhoid fever at Harapan Bunda Hospital include the criteria for the first rank of High Volume in 2018 and Problem Prone in the cost of treatment. The purpose of the study is to analyze the ...
This report compiles the performance of the Unit until July 2005; it is a descriptive study based on the medical records of all patients visiting the TCM Unit of Harapan Bunda hospital during the period of December 2004 to July 2005. The characteristics of patients and response to treatment ...
Leukospermia in Infertile Men and Successful Intrauterine Insemination at Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Puri Bunda DenpasarINDONESIAMALE infertilityHUMAN artificial inseminationINTRAUTERINE contraceptivesHEALTH status indicatorsAfter a year of regular sexual activity without the use of contrace...
Among the honorary midwives which are working at "Ibu dan Anak Permata Bunda Hospital Yogyakarta" there is a honorary midwive who has been serving for 26 years but still have her status as a honorary midwive which this is contrary to a...
The data used were medical records of male patients diagnosed with infertility, aged 25-45 years, and undergoing IUI procedures at the Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Puri Bunda Denpasar from January to July 2022. Of the 91 samples obtained, 9 people experienced sperm agglutination ...