从班达楠榜的哈米德·阿尔·阿赫马德国际机场(BANDAR LAMPUNG RADEN INTAN II AIRPORT)前往鲁玛科皮伊斯兰酒店非常方便。机场距离酒店仅约20公里,乘坐出租车或网约车是最为推荐的选择。通常情况下,车程大约需要30分钟,具体时间可能会因交通状况而有所不同。在机场的到达大厅,您可以轻松找到出租车服务台,工作人员会为您...
CKD is a cause of death globally, the biggest cause of CKD is coomorbidity with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The highest mortality occurred in less than the first 12 months of hemodialysis, which was 78,1%. The purpose of this study was to determine the age, sex, duration of survival of ...