Guliguliguliguligulirumsumsum. TraditionalSongLyrics *MoremusicallearningresourcesareavailableatSongsForTeaching . DaisyBellABicycleBuiltforTwo 1 Thereisaflower Withinmyheart, Daisy,Daisy! Plantedoneday Byaglancingdart, PlantedbyDaisyBell! Whethershelovesme Orlovesmenot, Sometimesit'shardtotell; YetIamlonging...
On this record there is a sense not that you are listening to Polish vocalist Antonina Nowacka, but listening in. These vocal sketches, made in churches when on a quest around Mexico to find some organs, are more than the sum of their parts. There is something in her rhythms and melodies...