Sui and early Tang rulers to draw lessons from death, to adjust the policy rule 翻译结果3复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 The relationship between sui and lessons to be learned in early Tang dynasty rulers, adjusted the ruling policy 翻译结果4复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 ...
方剂类型:解表剂、清热剂、泻下剂、祛风湿剂、祛湿利水剂、温里剂、理气剂、消导剂、驱虫剂、止血剂、活血剂、化痰止咳平喘剂、安神剂、熄风剂、开窍剂、补益剂、固涩剂。 方剂剂型:汤剂、丸剂、散剂、膏剂、丹剂、酒剂、药酒、冲剂、口服液剂、胶囊剂、片剂 【用法用量】每服15~18克,用水220毫升、姜3片,...
My name is Tang Order of governance, may I ask what is your name? 翻译结果2复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 正在翻译,请等待... 翻译结果3复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 My name is Tang Cheng ruling, what's your name? 翻译结果4复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 ...
Reports on the 13 defamation lawsuits launched by eleven politicians from Singapore's ruling People's Action Party against lawyer Tang Liang Hong. Causes of Tang's legal troubles; Singapore's High Court's placing of Tang's assets in receivership to prevent them from moving money offshore; ...
( rulingqingshutang ) 薷苓清暑汤《陈素庵妇科补解》 主治:治妊娠盛夏中暑,暑热与阴寒相搏,忽然烦闷,身热多汗,或恶心呕吐。 处方:藿香香薷云苓广皮厚朴麦冬人参白术扁豆泽泻甘草草蔻竹茹砂仁生姜乌梅 用法用量:水煎服。 薷苓清暑汤《陈素庵妇科补解》 ...
The Concrete Practices and Historical Value of the Confucian Thoughts of Ruling by Virtue Advocated in the Pre-Qin period Judged by the Piping and Prosperous Reign of Emperor Taizong of tang Dynasty in Chinese History 来自 知网 喜欢 0 阅读量: 19 作者: S Chen ...
【功能主治】清暑益气,利湿安胎。主外感暑邪。(妊娠外感) 方剂类型:解表剂、清热剂、泻下剂、祛风湿剂、祛湿利水剂、温里剂、理气剂、消导剂、驱虫剂、止血剂、活血剂、化痰止咳平喘剂、安神剂、熄风剂、开窍剂、补益剂、固涩剂。 方剂剂型:汤剂、丸剂、散剂、膏剂、丹剂、酒剂、药酒、冲剂、口服液剂、胶囊剂...
【辨证】外感暑邪。 【治法】清暑益气,利湿安胎。 【方名】薷苓清暑汤。 【组成】藿香4.5克,香薷4.5克,茯苓6克,陈皮3克,厚朴3克,麦冬2.4克,人参2.4克,白术9克,泽泻4.5克,甘草3克,草豆蔻2.1克,竹茹1.5克,砂仁1.5克,生姜3片,乌梅3克。
Fiveth, maintaining variety of genetic and type of animal. In beside the are constraint of implementation role of Serulingmas zoo, is: human resource which less be professional, new Couple inexistence make animal, financing which less.GINTINGA...
the people who are related to the ruling classes seek an important position, early referring to the prince. Taizidang is a party of china's feudal period of political term, it is generally acknowledged that it contains a component. For example, the prince of tang dynas Taizidang是一个专有...