“Rules of The Game” - Amy Tan I was six when my mother taught me the art of invisible strength. It was a strategy for winning arguments, respect from others, and eventually, though neither of us knew it at the time, chess games. "Bite back your tongue," scolded my mothe...
Tan’s first novel, The Joy Luck Club, which includes Waverly Jong’s childhood story in ‘‘Rules of the Game,’’ was a smash success with both popular and critical readers. In her review in the The Nation, Valerie Miner called the book ‘‘a stunningly auspicious debut,’’ and calle...
文章Rules of the Game翻译及解析知识分享.doc,Rules of the Game 1. 一个寒冷的春天的下午,我走路回家的时候,绕道走过我们小巷尽头的操场。我看见一群老人,其中两个坐在一张折叠椅上下象棋,其他的有的在抽烟斗,有的在吃花生,他们都在看棋。我跑回家里,抢走了Vincent
“rules of the game” amy tan “Rules of The Game” - Amy Tan I was six when my mother taught me the art of invisible strength. It was a strategy for winning arguments, respect from others, and eventually, though neither of us knew it at the time, chess games. "Bite back your ...
Rules of the Game by Amy Tan Invisible Strength Waverly Jong's mother is always teaching her about the “art of invisible strength“ which symbolizes rules and knowledge.The game of chess has many rules just like the game of life. Rules are invisible because they are just a concept and ...
By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University) ‘Rules of the Game’ is one of the most popular stories which form part of Amy Tan’s 1989 book The Joy Luck Club. The story is about an eight-year-old Chinese American girl who teaches herself chess and bec
文档标签: Rules of the Game by Amy Tan 系统标签: game waverly rules amy tan jong 1 RulesoftheGamebyAmyTan InvisibleStrength WaverlyJong'smotherisalwaysteachingheraboutthe“artofinvisiblestrength“whichsymbolizesrules andknowledge. Thegameofchesshasmanyrulesjustlikethegameoflife.Rulesareinvisiblebecause...
1-03 Eudora Welty_ Why I Live At The P.O 702022-06 7 1-02 Donald Barthleme_ Game 342022-06 8 1-01 Amy Tan_ Rules Of The Game 572022-06 查看更多 猜你喜欢 30.2万 Amy Chanrich by:翻唱库 490 Amy说故事 by:郭依依1010 1.4万 Amy的声音 by:和小怪物一起讲故事 4万 Amy刘珍珍 by:Am...
1、“Rules of The Game” - Amy Tan I was six when my mother taught me the art of invisible strength. It was a strategy for winning arguments, respect from others, and eventually, though neither of us knew it at the time, chess games. Bite back your tongue, scolded my mother when I...
RULES OF THE GAME BY AMY TAN (questions and :谭恩美的游戏规则(问题和 热度: “RulesofTheGame”-AmyTan Iwassixwhenmymothertaughtmetheartofinvisiblestrength.Itwasastrategyforwinningarguments, respectfromothers,andeventually,thoughneitherofusknewitatthetime,chessgames. ...