Such penalty orders can be issued without prior criminal investigation, including without even interviewing an accused, and can thus be based on insufficient evidence.75 However, in theory, art. 352 (1) CPC requires a confession or an otherwise sufficient establishment of the facts for a summary...
“Stocks rallied and I can’t tell you why even though you are interviewing me live.” Okay, the last one is fake — we have to give reasons after the fact of a market move, even anthropomorphizing the market, or we would feel uncomfortable. ...
• Candidates: Recruitment and hiring, including interviewing, assessing suitability for permanent or temporary employment, making travel arrangements (where applicable), background checking (to the extent permitted under law), and hiring processes. • Employees: Managing the employment relationship, ...
One proposed quality criterion for evaluating mixed methods findings and interpretations (proposed by Teddlie and Tashakkori) combines notions of internal validity, statistical conclusion validity (quantitative criteria), and credibility (a qualitative crIdentify a research qu...
915). Disrespectful care's focus on the health worker-woman interaction necessarily omits exclusionary social interactions with other patients, as well as the internalised shame, guilt and suffering that socially excluded women feel when weighing the biomedical benefits of a facility delivery with ...
• Candidates: Recruitment and interviewing, assessing suitability temporary employment, making travel hiring, including for permanent or arrangements (where 70 applicable), background checking (to the extent permitted under law), and hiring processes. • Employees: Managing the employment relationship,...
Types of personal data within the scope of this Controller Policy This Controller Policy applies to all personal data protected by UK GDPR that we process as a controller, and where an Intel UK BCR group member acts as a processor for another UK BCR group member who is a controller, ...
Figure 1. (A) The first author with their research assistant interviewing informants about Cirsium arvense. (B) The first author with their research assistant collecting specimens of Adiantum capillus-veneris outside a camp. (C) Children collecting the flowers of Justicia adhatoda outside a camp ...