Games mean many things to many people; to me they are an art form of great potential beauty. Just as a composer's creation is brought to life by the performing musicians, a game inventor's creation is brought to life by the players of the game. When the creation is inspired and the ...
塞尼特棋是有古可考的最古老的游戏之一,棋盘与棋子由各种材料雕刻而成,工艺精美,能考证到公元前3500年;它在古埃及很流行,陵墓绘画里有它,随葬品里也有它;它常被认为是连接生平与死后的桥梁,埃及《亡灵书(Book of the Dead)》里强调了它的精神意义。不幸的是,游戏规则已经亡佚,文物本身又不会说话,所以它的文...
塞尼特棋是有古可考的最古老的游戏之一,棋盘与棋子由各种材料雕刻而成,工艺精美,能考证到公元前3500年;它在古埃及很流行,陵墓绘画里有它,随葬品里也有它;它常被认为是连接生平与死后的桥梁,埃及《亡灵书(Book of the Dead)》里强调了它的精神意义。不幸的是,游戏规则已经亡佚,文物本身又不会说话,所以它的文...
野口勇 | Listening to Stone The Art & Life of Isamu Noguchi itsnotMaya__ 529 0 艺术纪录片 | Under the Gaze The Art of Cindy Sherman itsnotMaya__ 244 0 Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz on The Batman, life lessons and fear of failure itsnotMaya__ 40 0 ...
When a player interacts with the designed system of a game, meaningful play emerges. •There are many valid definitions of interactivity. Cutting across all of them are four modes of interactivity: Mode 1: Cognitive interactivity; or interpretive participation; Mode 2: Functional interactivity; or...
《The Art of Computer Game Design》,Chris Crawford Chris Crawford是一名游戏设计师,他是在Atari开始他的游戏事业生涯的。他在1982年写了《The Art of Computer Game Design》一书,当时电脑刚刚出现在人们的家庭里。这本书是第一本谈及游戏设计基础的书,虽然有些观点放在今天已经有点过时了,但还是一本很棒的...
These findings contribute to our understanding of the discursive means by which artworld hierarchies and systems of classification are reproduced and transformed. Thus, this study aims to contribute to our understanding of the role of discourse in the artworld's reputational economy....
如果阅读这本书的目的是为了学习设计游戏的具体方法,那我推荐去读《The Art of Game Design》。如果不满足于游戏设计的具体实现,想要了解游戏设计背后的原理,看这本书是没错的。但就像其副标题说的那样,这本书只是个基础概论,涵盖了游戏设计的方方面面,但都蜻蜓点水一般没有深入,只是讲述了What而没有讲Why(当然...
1、“Rules of The Game” - Amy Tan I was six when my mother taught me the art of invisible strength. It was a strategy for winning arguments, respect from others, and eventually, though neither of us knew it at the time, chess games. Bite back your tongue, scolded my mother when I...
“rules of the game” amy tan “Rules of The Game” - Amy Tan I was six when my mother taught me the art of invisible strength. It was a strategy for winning arguments, respect from others, and eventually, though neither of us knew it at the time, chess games. "Bite back your ...