It's good to studyother writers' rules, but in the end, those rules were not made for you—they were made for other writers. If you're serious about being a writer, then you need to figure out your rules of writing and stick to them. This post will show you how. My Rules of Wr...
or things alter around them, that's the point to step back and fill in the details of their world. People don't notice their everyday surroundings and daily routine, so when writers describe them it can sound as if they'
pathological case, nor is she any sort of symbolic figure. Michèle evinces a variety of post-feminist stereotypes—bourgie culture-vulture, man-eater, sleek careerist—without fully inhabiting any of them, and her ability to take in stride both serious trauma and workaday annoyance feels like i...
which would be fine if they felt fun or stimulating. But so much theory—so much of everything, according to Sturgeon’s Law—is a waste of time if you’re looking for empiricism or induction or beauty or simple, practical
THE RULES. They just sound so… serious. So many of us take the rules very seriously (to the point sometimes of a cultural trauma response). Mess up the rules and you’re doomed. Not only will no oneeverpublish you or read you or take you seriously as a writer, but, actually, this...
And yet, so much of what passes for advertising these days violates this most basic of rules and starts in on trying to sell you something. The writers don’t wait until the end for the CTA (the call to action). No, they jump right in with the pitch. No entertainment. No comedy. ...
🎞 Making Badass Developers - Kathy Sierra (Serious Pony) keynote How to study (with lots of cartoons from Calvin & Hobbes!) Manage your time Take notes in class & rewrite them at home Study hard subjects first & study in a quiet place Read actively & slowly, before & after class ...
In serious play, if a player having the move touches a piece as if having the intention of moving it, then the player must move it if it can be legally moved. So long as the hand has not left the piece on a new square, any legal move can be made with the piece. If a player ...
your child will not believe that your rule is serious. When your child doesn't follow your safety rules, you need to make him see that unsafe behavior is dangerous. If your child runs out into the street, you should immediately pull him back, repeat your rules,explain your rules and warm...
more than one real-life bullseye . . . Stylistically, Herron's narrative voice swoops from the high to the low but it's the dialogue that zings: the screenwriters of the inevitable TV version won't have to change much . . . Herron is a very funny writer, but also a serious plotter...