Other naming conventions The rules and conventions described above are for local variables. A local variable is a variable that is scoped within the body of a method, or a variable in a console application that uses top-level statements (like the code in this module). There are other types...
Use M for methods. Use v for variables, p for parameters. Use r for ref parameters.Tip You can enforce naming conventions that concern capitalization, prefixes, suffixes, and word separators by using code-style naming rules.In the following examples, guidance pertaining to elements marked public...
Justfortheprogramreadabilityisgood. Actuallygoodcodewritinghabitsaremoreimportantthan enforcingtheHungariannomenclature. Systemic。Integrity.Readability。Sortitout.Havecomments! TheHungariannomenclatureisaMicrosoft-promotednaming standardforvarioustypesofsymbolssuchasvariables, ...
This section describes the general rules for naming variables. 1.6.1 Non-constant field name Non-constant field names should use camel case and start with a lowercase letter. A local variable cannot be treated as constant even if it is final and immutable. Therefore, it should not use the ...
The Hungarian nomenclature is a Microsoft-promoted naming standard for various types of symbols such as variables, functions, objects, prefixes, and macro definitions. The main idea of the Hungarian nomenclature is to add a prefix to the variables and function names to enhance the understanding of...
Tips on naming boolean variables There is a convention to prefix boolean variables and function names with "is" or "has". Try to always use is, even for plurals (isEachUserLoggedIn is better than areUsersLoggedIn or isUsersLoggedIn) Avoid custom prefixes (isPaidFor is better than wasPai...
White spaces and other special characters are not allowed in an identifier name, if you have two words in a variables/identifier name, you can use either underscore (_) to separate them or you can also write identifier name in camel case style. ...
Welcome to Cursor Directory, your home to everything Cursor AI. Find .cursorrules examples, learn how to use Cursor AI and much more.
exact rules for formatting 格式"Exact rules for formatting" is a broad term that can refer to formatting rules in various contexts, such as document formatting, code formatting, or data formatting. The rules can vary depending on the specific style guide, programming language, or application you ...
But there's no excuse for this practice in modern code. Use long descriptive names, like complementSpanLength, to help yourself, now and in the future, as well as your colleagues to understand what the code does. The only exception to this rule concerns the few key variables used within ...