Parking for disabled people Rental cars (Hertz) Electric charging Public Transport (bus) Cycling Navigation Visitor registration Campus Badges High Tech Campus Badge Office Welcome Paper Safety & Security Flying with drones BBQ Bomb threat COVID-19 Measures ...
America's space agency is entering the second phase of a four-step plan to draw up rules of the road for small drones that fly under 500 feet. The NASA project is meant to develop performance standards for drones that would be used for commercial purposes by companies such as Amazon and ...
Drones Are Flying outside of Segregated Airspace in Poland: New Rules for BVLOS UAV OperationsdronesUAVUASPolish regulationsEU regulationsair lawPoland was one of the first European countries to adopt a national regulatory framework for the operation of drones. During its first years (2013鈥 2016)...
On the heels of releasing new proposed rules ondrones, CBS News has learned that the Federal Aviation Administration is concerned about a dramatic increase in the number of unmanned aircraft flying near planes. They said the number of drone and model aircraft incidents reported by pilots of pla...
Additionally, drone operators should be at least 8 years old. Minors under 14 years old should be accompanied by adults when flying drones. No-fly areas include 50 meters above the ground, within 3,000 meters of an airport or a temporary landing point, and military management areas....
The potential for chaos in the U.S.A. is unlimited with the introduction of drones IMO. Its a flying, controllable molotov cocktail at the minimum and a real weapon of destruction and death with the introduction of other more compact materials. A potential security details nightmare...