The Card Players - a painting by Paul Cézanne, 1895.Historically, card games such as whist and contract bridge were opportunities for quiet socializing, as shown in this 1930s magic lantern slide photo taken in Seattle, Washington.Any specific card game imposes restrictions on the number of ...
How to play Italian Whist, a trick-taking game for three players by by A. Chart, S. Drew and T. Phipps.
How to play Solo Whist, a British card game for four players, with bids to win 5 or more tricks playing alone (Solo) or to lose all the tricks (Misère).
The court cards are almost identical to the diamond suit in a Gemaco Five-Star deck. Five-suit decks using the Star suit are still in print in differing designs through vendors such as Stardeck and Newton's Novelties. Cadaco manufactured a game Tripoley Wild with a fifth suit, (and other...
There are many Whist variants. German Whist is a simple game for two players. Each player is dealt 12 cards, as in the normal game. The next card is turned up to determine the trump suit for the hand. Elder leads: the winner of the trick takes the exposed trump; the loser takes the...
Knockout whist is a popular British game for up to seven players. The simplest rules are as follows: Deal seven cards to each player, and turn the next card to establish thetrumpsuit. Dealer leads first, and tricks are played as in classic whist. Anyone failing to take a trick is knock...
Minnesota Whist (in which there are no trumps, and hands can be played to win tricks or to lose tricks - also the very similar game of Norwegian Whist) Nomination Whist (a British game, also called Noms for short, in which the highest bidder chooses a partner by calling a card; also...
At present the site contains rules for only a minority of the card games that exist. Therefore it is quite likely that the game you want is not yet here. If you already know the game you might consider contributing a description of it to this site. If not, you could try looking it ...
Kleurenwiezen / Whist à la Couleur52 A popular Belgian trick-taking card game for four players with objectives and partnerships determined by the bidding. Class: Boston Group Related games: Wiezen, Solo Whist Browse classification network Region: Belgium ⭐⭐⭐⭐Difficulty ️ ️ ...
In Auction Bridge, overtricks count towards making game, so it is only necessary to bid high enough to win the contract - there is no incentive to bid all the tricks you can make. Before Auction Bridge there was Bridge-Whist or Straight Bridge (at the time this game was just called ...