do not crave his delicacies;7 for he is[l] like someone who has calculated the cost[m] in his mind.[n]“Eat and drink,” he says to you,but his heart is not with you;8 you will vomit up[o] the little bit you have eaten,and will have wasted your pleasant words.[p]...
Both inmedievaland ancienttimes,thewordamicitiawasoftenusedto describearelation-shipbetweenunequals. Ambrosehowever,asJörgErnestihas broughtto light,de-velopedhis ownunderstandingofamicitia.He speaksof an equalstatus(aequalitas)amongfriends,even if theyhave differentsocialpositions,andof it beingimperative...
God revealed Himself as the Creator, and the Ruler of His creation, to Adam. God revealed Himself as the Ruler of all the universe, the great, divine One who interferes in the course of petty, human nations of ancient kings. The ancient nations of Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Syria and Phoen...
What were the two main social orders in ancient Rome? What were the two assemblies of the Roman Republic? Read Next The Time Julius Caesar Was Captured by Pirates Did Nero Really Fiddle as Rome Burned? Discover 7 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Inventors ...