三分法,有时也称作井字构图法,是一种在摄影、绘画、设计等艺术中经常使用的构图手段。在这种方法中,摄影师需要将场景用两条竖线和两条横线分割,就如同是书写中文的“井”字。这样就可以得到4个交叉点,然后再将需要表现的重点放置在4个交叉点中的一个即可。 如果你想令主题产生一些动感,可以将其稍微偏离画面中心...
Rule of Thirds Photo Examples Subject Placement and Rule of Thirds In this photo below, Brian Leonard placed the mill in the upper right section of the scene, where the imagined grid lines would intersect. Photo Credit: Brian Leonard
Here is an example of the rule of thirds for a landscape photo. The focus is on the land area rather than the sky so the bottom two-thirds of the photograph is filled with land and the top third is the sky. Rule of Thirds Example: Landscape Rule of Thirds Example: Portraits Here is...
Photography can definitely benefit from the rule of thirds, whether it’s a landscape, portrait, architecture, or action image. A strong image is about composition, so at its heart, the rule of thirds is a way to design your photo so it’s visually compelling. There are a few points to...
the rule of thirds is a type of composition in which an image is divided evenly into thirds, both horizontally and vertically.
To help you out, some cameras have a setting which overlays a rule of thirds grid onto your photo. This removes all guesswork and helps you get your positioning even more accurate. Examples The rule of thirds is very versatile and can be used on any subject. Below are some example of it...
Photo Tip: the rule of thirds One of the most well-known rules in photography that gets covered regularly is the rule of thirds. This concept is also well-known in art circles because of the composition elements that are universal in theory and application of the rules to basic composition....
The rule of thirds is an important composition technique which can be used to improve the balance and structure of your artworks.
The rule of thirds states that the most important elements in the scene should be placed along the gridlines or at the intersections where the lines meet. In the photo above, you can see that Stella has placed the bird at the junction point where the right vertical gridline and bottom gri...
How to use the rule of thirds (with examples) Because the rule of thirds is so universal, I’m afraid I can’t explain how to use it in every possible genre or scenario; that article would be never ending! However, if you’re looking for rough guidelines for applying the rule of thi...