The meaning of RULE is a prescribed guide for conduct or action. How to use rule in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Rule.
of these rules must be of the nth rank. Ordinary grammatical rules are examples of rules of different, but not very high, ranks. A method is a system of rules of different ranks that includes rules designating the order in which other rules of the same system are introduced and rearranged...
The meaning of DESCARTES'S RULE OF SIGNS is a rule of algebra: in an algebraic equation with real coefficients, F(x) = 0, arranged according to powers of x, the number of positive roots cannot exceed the number of variations in the signs of the coefficie
In all the examples so far, the 3 phrases seemed to form a logical trio such aspowerful, popular, and persuasive;andold, neglected, and broken. When you break your reader’s expectation of what’s coming next, you add an element of fun andsurpriseto your writing. Here’s an example fr...
An early computing device invented by Reverend William Oughtred in London in the 17th century. Primarily for multiplication and division, the slide rule has two stationary sets and one sliding set of numbers in the center. To multiply, numbers are added; to divide, numbers are subtracted. ...
Remember, English is full of exceptions. It’s part of what makes the language so rich and diverse. Words with c that break the rule There are also words with c that break the rule. In these words, i comes before e even after c. Here are some examples: science conscience sufficient ...
language could end up beingtranslated into English using identical words in English. In the following sentences 1and 4 could represent the grammatical structure of the original language, and 2 and 5could be steps towards the more likely translations, sentences 3 and 6.1. Afterhavingit for a ...
ruleObj = addrule(___,Name=Value) also sets the properties of the rule object using one or more name-value arguments. Name is the property name and Value is the corresponding value.Examples collapse all Create and Add Rules to SimBiology Model Copy Code Copy Command Create a SimBiology mo...
Examples of Auto-Creation Rules for Checking Conditions for Auto-Creation Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 Auto-Creation in Operation Schedule BP Auto-Creation Dynamically Stop Auto-Creation Create a BP Record, or Line Item, with Manual Auto-Creation Auto-Create SPA Commits with Variable Unit Cost Lines Cr...
(1) the executive engages in dialogue with other players, either before the fact or through timely ex post ratification; (2) pushing the envelope will generate a net positive aggregate of institutional consequences, viewed from an intermediate and long-term perspective; and (3) pushing the ...