Galadriel is the Sindarin translation of Telerin Quenya Alatáriel, the name given her by Celeborn, meaning "maiden crowned with a garland of bright radiance" in reference to her hair. The name Galadhriel was used outside Lórien by the people who did not know the ancient days and ...
POS tagging is the process of assigning the appropriate part of speech to each word in a phrase. Additionally, it associates with adjacent and comparable words inside a phrase or sentence. The process of morphology involves the separation of phrases and does not determine the correct meaning. ...
When Sauron sought to corrupt the Elves in the Second Age one of the names he assumed was Aulendil, meaning devotee or friend of Aulë.Curumo (Saruman), the eventual leader of the Heren Istarion (Order of Wizards sent to lead the people of Middle-earth against Sauron), who betrayed ...
The Distinctiveness Principle: Identity, Meaning, and the Bounds of Cultural Relativity. Extending theories of distinctiveness motivation in identity (Breakwell, 1987; Brewer, 1991; Snyder & Fromkin, 1980), we discuss the precise role of distin......
[8] The Sindar Elves in Beleriand called him Gorthaur, meaning "dread abomination",[9] while others of the Eldar had named him Sauron, meaning "the abhorred" or "the abominable" (a mockery of his original name). Under Sauron's regency, Angband was almost ready by YT 1495,[6] with ...
In contrast to the usual modern practice, names intended to have a particular meaning in the English version are translated to provide a similar meaning in the target language: in German, for example, the name "Baggins" becomes "Beutlin," containing the word Beutel meaning "bag." ...