When the 'ei' combines to make a long 'e' sound or a long 'i' sound, it often breaks the original rule and the 'e' comes first. These words are less common because most vowel combinations that make the long 'e' sound are 'ee' and 'ea'.Take a look at a few examples. ...
C8E42A721D4F2CB10074C7EA /* zh-Hans */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hans"; path = "zh-Hans.lproj/UserRulesController.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; E9E9FB3855DA55D0710EE7BD /* Pods-ShadowsocksX-NG.release.xcconfig */ =...
17、essed syllablesThe second part of compound words are not marked accents, but vowel or vowel words which are still subject to the rules of spelling spelling syllable. For example: everydayei handbag? blackboardC:With the development of language, some of the two parts of the word have lo...
动词后加-ing的规则(Theruleofadding-ingafteraverb) Verbingrules [i:][i]:[pgflavowel[u:]][[u]][]:??[][][e?I][ei]. [i?[u?U][u]][? 1.Englishverb-ing,usuallyintheoriginalendingdirectly add-ingcomponents:cough-coughing,climb-climbing,stand -standing,fight-fighting 2.to-eattheend...
So much for this oft-repeated phrase!This is not to say that the rule is entirely invalid. There are many cases in which two vowels “go walking,” including ai, au, ea, ee, ei, ie, oa, eo, oi, oo, ou, and ui. And when a pair of vowels appears in a word, it is often ...