致力于解决业务开发过程中,规则变化成本高, 规则管理分散,维护成本高,学习成本高,大量样板式代码等一系列的问题。 RuleLink名称的由来 用规则连接业务逻辑,让研发专注业务逻辑,让规则的配置变得的简单。 RuleLink 是基于 Aviatorscript 实现 规则的解析,基于开源项目 "rule-engine-builder-ui"实现表达式生成与渲染。(...
致力于解决业务开发过程中,规则变化成本高, 规则管理分散,维护成本高,学习成本高,大量样板式代码等一系列的问题。 RuleLink名称的由来 用规则连接业务逻辑,让研发专注业务逻辑,让规则的配置变得的简单。 RuleLink 是基于 Aviatorscript 实现 规则的解析,基于开源项目 "rule-engine-builder-ui"实现表达式生成与渲染。(...
couchdbrule-engineopen-data10x-data-federation UpdatedDec 31, 2020 JavaScript 可视化工作流引擎 workflowwebrule-engine UpdatedOct 26, 2020 JavaScript Rule based system to recommend professional career using python experta, a Flask server and Bootstrap for better UI. ...
Set the displayName property: UI friendly name of the rule. Parameters: displayName - the displayName value to set. Returns: the RecommendationRuleInner object itself.withExtensionName public RecommendationRuleInner withExtensionName(String extensionName) Set the extensionName property: Extension name ...
Get the message property: Localized name of the rule (Good for UI). Returns: the message value.name public String name() Get the name property: The name of the resource. Overrides: RecommendationRuleInner.name() Returns: the name value.recommendationId public UUID recommendation...
ilog.rules.studio.dvs.ui.execution.tabgroup Provides a set of abstract classes that you can extend to create and customize a new Eclipse launcher to execute a DVS archive. ilog.rules.studio.javascript Provides classes to manage the life cycle of the Rule Designer command-line tool. ilog.rules...
Join the Agentforce Hackathon on Nov. 18-19 to compete for a $20,000 Grand Prize.Sign up now.
Get the message property: Localized name of the rule (Good for UI). Returns: the message value.name public String name() Get the name property: The name of the resource. Overrides: RecommendationRuleInner.name() Returns: the name value.recommendationId public UUID recommendationId() Get the...
Join the Agentforce Hackathon on Nov. 18-19 to compete for a $20,000 Grand Prize.Sign up now.
? UI framework: Vuetify.js ? Template engine: Pug ? Nuxt.js modules: Axios - Promise based HTTP client ? Linting tools: (Press to select, to toggle all,to invert selection) ? Testing framework: Jest ? Rendering mode: Universal (SSR / SSG) ...