The meaning of RULE is a prescribed guide for conduct or action. How to use rule in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Rule.
Interpretation of the Federal Court on the court case "Marek v. Chesny"; Factors that contribute to the invalidity of the interpretation of Rule 68 under the Rules Enabling Act; Principles that embody the Rules of Enabling Act.BarberoMegan...
aRule 68 provides that any party defending a claim may a settlement offer to the plaintiff.If the plaintiff rejects the offer and does not receive a more favorable judgment at trial,he must pay the defendant's court costs and fees incurred after the date of the offer. The final judgment ...
The meaning of EXCLUSIONARY RULE is a legal rule that bars unlawfully obtained evidence from being used in court proceedings.
(1)An application for the grant of an injunction may be made by any party to a cause or matter before or after the trial of the cause or matter,whether or not a claim for the injunction was included in that party's writ,originating summons,counterclaim or third party notice, as the ca...
BRUSSELS (Reuters) -Poland's clash with Brussels over a court ruling that questioned the supremacy of European Union law has been added to the agenda of a leaders' summit this week at the request of several countries that see it as a serious crisis for the bloc. "We will ...
The U.S. District Court ruled that a rule limiting the number of non-openly lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) players on each team roster has First Amendment protection that outweighs local interests. A settlement was reached and the gay organization clarified its rules....
RULE68.OFFEROFJUDGMENT Atanytimemorethan10daysbeforethetrialbeginsorwithinsuchshorter timeasthecourtmayapprove,apartydefendingagainstaclaimmayserveupon theadversepartyanoffertoallowjudgmenttobetakenagainstthedefending partyforthemoneyorpropertyortotheeffectspecifiedintheoffer,withcosts thenaccrued.Ifwithin10daysafter...
Rule of Law in Afghanistan: U.S. Agencies Lack a Strategy and Cannot Fully determine the Effectiveness of Programs Costing More Than USD1Billion. SIGAR 15-68 Audit Report, July 2015, p. 3, available ...
However, in some cases, it is more a question of words than of facts. We may speak of three successive rules or of three successive versions of the same rule; that makes little difference, since the spirit in the three cases is the same. For clearness, we shall speak simply of the ...