摘要: The common law formality of court procedure has many vestigial rem'nants in the present-day judicial system. One of the more objectionable of these is our present adherence to sometimes overly strict rules governing the presentation of evidence. The law of evidence...
Recent high-profile lawsuits have supported competing narratives that alternately depict civil litigation as an essential instrument of the rule of law and
After elimination of anonymous testing in 82 counties, the mean monthly level of testing (+/- SE) increased by 45%, or 548 (+/- 123) tests per month, while in 18 counties that retained anonymous testing, there was a 63% increase, or 802 (+/- 162) tests per month (p > .05). ...
Jerusalem - Roman Rule, History, Holy City: For some time Rome had been expanding its authority in Asia, and in 63 bce the Roman triumvir Pompey the Great captured Jerusalem. A clash with Jewish nationalism was averted for a while by the political skill
The connection between drug use and self-esteem admits to more than one expectation. Some have argued that those with high self-esteem are more likely to experiment, leading to the prediction that high self-esteem would correlate with higher levels of drug taking. In either event, the basal ...
Supreme Court, who may decide the fate of death penalty in the U.S. through its decisions interpreting the Eighth Amendment (the cruel and unusual clause) of the U.S. constitution, treats the public opinion as an indicator of the acceptance of death penalty by the public. In Weems v. ...
Afghan Time, July 8, 2015, “Jolesi Jirga rejects female member of Supreme Court”, available athttp://afghanistantimes.af/wolesi-jirga-rejects-female-member-of-supreme-court/. Rasmussen, “First female nominee fails to win seat on Afghan supreme court” the Guardian, 8 July, 2015, availabl...
123 184 N. Arajärvi should protect against the unilateral imposition of values.61 In order to avoid the claim that 'might makes right',62 the international rule of law functions as the great equalizer among States,63 so that equality before international law can be achieved.64 Therefore,...
63 The Spanish government also confirmed that the official telephones of the Spanish prime minister, interior minister, and defence minister had been infected with the Pegasus spyware. In May, the National High Court (Audiencia Nacional) opened an investigation into the matter. 123 28 J. M...
The Department of Labor (DOL) expanded the “investment advice fiduciary” definition, but it was vacated by a Federal Appeals Court for being "unreasonable."