Conventional ICA rules often modify synaptic strength depending on a product of pre- and post-synaptic activity. We called them Hebbian11,22 rules in a broad sense. Neurons tend to receive a correlated group of inputs under a Hebbian rule. In addition, previous local ICA rules use lateral ...
Rules in NCL can be used for defining and enforcing integrity and security constraints, government or enterprise policies and regulations, and other types of semantic constraints that are local or global to heterogeneous systems. In this paper, we shall show how such a modeling language and its ...
a novel predictive analysis methodology for determining the rules based on the Assam Water Quality Index (AWQI) norms is proposed to address this problem with least number of attributes. Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Fecal Coliform (FC), and Total Coliform...
The advantage of such mediator based systems is that to add a new data source it is only necessary to find the set of rules that define the new data source. Request for view Pseu...NCL: A Common Language for Achieving Rule-Based Interoperability Among Heterogeneous Systems - Su - 1996 (...
securities industry. Impact of the trade-through rule on the price discovery-based competition of markets; Importance of giving special consideration to retail order flow; Response to the argument of the Securities and Exchange Commission that the trade-through rule encourages the placement of limit ...