Ruhr University Bochum,即波鸿鲁尔大学,是一所位于德国北莱茵威斯特法伦州波鸿市的公立综合类研究型大学。以下是对该大学
Arts and Humanities international collaboration - relative to country #159 Arts and Humanities international collaboration #125 Arts and Humanities number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1% most cited #121 Arts and Humanities percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1%...
ruhr university bochum 读音:美英 ruhr university bochum基本解释 波鸿鲁尔大学;鲁尔波鸿大学;德国波鸿大学;德国波鸿鲁尔大学;波鸿-鲁尔大学 分词解释 Ruhr鲁尔(联邦德国一地区) university综合性大学 Bochum波鸿(德国城市名) ruhr university bochum是什么意思 ruhr university bochum怎么读 ruhr university bochum在线翻译 ...
Ruhr University Bochum 的排名数据分析 ←(Rank: 251–300)RMIT UniversitySejong University(Rank: 251–300)→ Breakdown of ranking: 2024 Rank:251–300 View full ranking table Overall—Teaching39.8Research Environment46.7Research Quality72.2Industry85.9International Outlook60.0 ...
t Bochum;RUB)位于德国波鸿,建立于1962年,也是在新成立的联邦德国时期成立的第一所大学。大学选址在...
collaboration on all levels of scholarship and research, which is one of the reasons we came together to form this unique university alliance. We leverage our strengths in science and engineering, social sciences, and the humanities, and create unique opportunities for international academic ...
Around 1,000 international PhD students and visiting researchers are currently working in Bochum. As with other universities around the world, the COVID-19 19 crisis massively changed everyday life for RUB faculty and students. Almost all teaching and examination events took place online; employees...
Ruhr University Bochum was founded in 1962 as part of the new university plan in Germany post WWII. Today, Ruhr University Bochum has approximately 34,000 students. The university offers more than 150 study programs, and is noted as one of the contenders for elite universities in academia and...
Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) is one of Germany’s leading research universities with a growing international reputation. Its institutional strategy “Research Campus RUB” (RCR), which made it to the final selection round of the Excellence Initiative in 2007 and has been fully implemented since...
Ruhr University Bochum 德国-北莱茵-威斯特法伦州 不提供-奖学金 建校时间1962年 暂无 国际排名 波鸿鲁尔大学数据一览 85% 四年毕业率 波鸿鲁尔大学专业及排行 波鸿鲁尔大学仅开设本科专业 2018年波鸿鲁尔大学本科专业 自然科学 数学物理科学 人文与社会科学 ...