That’s what they could have used as a tag-line forRugrats Go Wild. It’s a crossover movie between two animation franchises — kind of likeThe Flintstones Meet The Jetsons, only the two franchises aren’t set so far apart in time. In fact, they’re both set in the modern day. T...
and the movie is, too. As the reality of Dil’s birth begins to sink in on Tommy, he starts to have what many children do: replacement anxiety--the fear that mommy and daddy will care more about the newborn than about them. And with the requirements colicky Dil is imposing...
, that ran for five seasons from 2003 to 2008. There were also threeRugratsfilms:The Rugrats Movie(1998),Rugrats in Paris: The Movie(2000) andRugrats Go Wild(2003). Viacom announced in 2018 that it wasrebootingRugratsand developing a new live-action film featuring CGI characters. While the ...
The first was Tommy’s brother, Dil Pickles, who made his debut inThe Rugrats Movie. But as a newborn, he can’t keep up with the other kids. Even inRugrats in Parishe still functions largely as a prop. The second movie surpasses the first in changing the main cast. Not only does T...