Instruction Manual for Ruger New Model Blackhawk Single Action Revolver 357 Maximum Caliber Instruction Manual for Ruger Single-Six and Super-Single Six Instructions and Parts List for Ruger "Hawkeye" Single Shot Pistol Instruction Manual for Ruger Security-Six, Speed-Six, and Police-Six Double Actio...
Also see:Ruger Security-9 Review The Ruger LC9S Review Conclusion We believe there are better carry pistols on the market, but they tend to cost quite a bit more than the LC9S. This makes us conclude that considering the quality in relation to the price, the Ruger LC9s is actually one...
Anyway, here are a couple of targets I shot with the gun. I stuck an inexpensive red dot sight on the rail for these targets. These are two representative targets with these two loads. I used a six o’clock hold at the bottom point of the diamond. As always, my eyes forced the gro...
Security-Six Revolver Single-Six Revolver with .17 Hunter Convertible Mach 2 Cylinders Trap ShotgunParts Ordering Some of the most popular Ruger firearm parts are available for purchase online at! Check out the store now to see if the part you're looking for is available! Firear...