Ruger Security-380 .380acp The Ruger Security-380 .380acp is full-featured, ideally sized, modestly priced, and designed for hours of range training with minimal fatigue. The combination of easy to use features and reduced felt recoil will help recoil-sensitive shooters build skill and confidence...
Place the rod end of the recoil spring/ guide rod in its corresponding hole in the front of the frame, under where the barrel will sit. Place the slide over the spring and barrel, making sure that each of those is seated in its correct hole at the end of the slide. Pull the slide...
especially as compared to its competitors. Its bore axis is, in fact, more than ¼” higher than that of the Glock 43. The result is a bit more muzzle flip than it should have. Recoil was not bad and I didn’t find it particularly difficult to control the pistol, but the ...