but you can’t use a typical hunting rifle such as a 30-06, then Ruger are making their bolt action Ruger 77 both in .44 Remington Magnum and also in .357 Magnum. So for those who prefer a bolt action rifle over a lever action or pump action this could be a very attractive rifle....
The original Ruger .357 Blackhawk, now known to collectors as the Flat- Top, only lasted eight years. It only lacked one thing to be perfect. The grip frame was identical in size and shape to the Colt Single Action Army, however it was an aluminum alloy instead of steel and this is w...
Ruger designs, manufactures, and markets a full line of pistols, revolvers, rifles, and shotguns, primarily for sporting purposes, but also for law enforcement and military agencies. Products include the company's flagship .22 caliber target pistols, single-action revolvers,...
The single-action pull was not exactly sublime, but it was much better than the DA. There was about 5/8” of light takeup, some stacking and then a snap. Even in SA mode, however, I felt that the pull required about two pounds more effort than it should and was also very non-line...
.357 Maximum Revolver .44 Magnum Carbine Rifle (Original Model) 96 Series Lever Action Rifle 77/50 Blackpowder Rifle AC-556 Rifle Deerfield Carbine Rifle Gold Label Shotgun Hawkeye Pistol M77 Mark II Express Rifle M77 Mark II Rifle in Short Ultra-Mag Calibers Mini-14 Rifle (Serial # Beginni...