从快递运送的纯白色的盒子,到随枪附赠的一个弹匣,LCP都透露着“实用”这个关键词。 从2008年来,几乎所有杂志和媒体都刊登过LCP这支枪的介绍,甚至我认识不下十个人使用LCP作为人生第一支枪或者只有LCP这一支枪,这些人从房地产经纪人到执法部门再到德克萨斯州的州长。LCP已经成为了人们选择武器的首选。(德克萨斯州州...
The LCP II .22 LR’s Lite Rack system includes slide serrations, cocking ears, and a lighter-than-normal recoil spring to allow for easy slide manipulation. The manual external safety is a bit different because it is oriented vertically while most handgun safeties are oriented parallel to the...
The Ruger LCP is a well known pocket pistol. In our Ruger LCP Review we go over this pint sized handgun and see what grade it gets.
so when Ruger brings an altogether different .22LR pistol to market, people notice. Ruger’s newest Smurf gun is the Ruger SR22™. Except for the ammo, the little
新款的22LR LCP II的第二个好处就是针对旧款的一点小改进,就是使用了Ruger所谓的轻型套筒座,这意味着,手部力量稍微弱的人操作武器也要容易的多。 一部分是拥有更轻的复进簧,另一部分是能在射击过程中控制住套筒后座的武器。这就使得老年人也能很好的操作武器,但是不仅限于老年人,我们希望每一个人都能拥有防身...