The Ruger LCP is a well known pocket pistol. In our Ruger LCP Review we go over this pint sized handgun and see what grade it gets.
Ruger Hawkeye with bison skull found on the hunt by Caitlin The clean, crisp break of the trigger, the low recoil of the 6.5 Creedmoor with the included muzzle break combined to create all positive feedback from the hunters. October: Ruger Threaded Barrel Kit a Hit on a 57 Last year, Ru...
If the trigger is fixable, I’d rate this gun as a fun and inexpensive plinker and range toy, a good trainer and a reasonable self-defense pistol for the old, infirm or recoil averse. The sights are great, the pistol is handy and I’d be the first guy on line to buy one. However...